Xcom ew console commands
Xcom ew console commands

xcom ew console commands

  • MakeSoldierAClass Ranger - Turns soldier into Ranger.
  • MakeSoldierAClass Rookie - Turns soldier into Rookie.
  • MakeSoldierAClass PsiOperative - Turns soldier into Psi Operative.
  • MakeSoldierAClass Grenadier - Turns soldier into Grenadier.
  • SetStrategyFacilitiesInstantBuild - Allows instantly building facilities.
  • SetStrategyFacilitiesUnlockAll - Unlocks all facilities for building.
  • TTC - Teleports selected unit to cursor.
  • GiveActionPoints - Grants set number of action points to a unit.
  • ForceCritHits - Guarantees critical hits.
  • ToggleUnlimitedActions - Grants unlimited AP.
  • TakeNoDamage - All units no longer take damage.
  • PowerUp - Enables godmode, removes reloading requirement.
  • Here are the console commands and cheats that caught our eye: Open the console in-game with a tilde (~). If you're using the version of XCOM 2, right-click on the game's shortcut and add -allowconsole next to the existing text in the "Target" dialogue box. You should now be able to bring up the console in-game by pressing the tilde (~) key. In the freshly opened box, add -allowconsole. XCOM 2's console commands and cheats let you alter the game in a number of different ways, ranging from those that grant infinite turns or invulnerability to others that provide a smaller power boost in the form of resources.īefore you can use console commands and cheats, you need to right-click on your XCOM 2 entry in the Steam library, then select properties and Set Launch Options from the general tab.

    Xcom ew console commands