During a rest period, Hardcase discovered a mysterious slime-like substance and, suspecting it to be a clue to the Separatists' actions on the planet, alerted his superior, Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex." Hardcase reaccompanied his comrades Jesse and Kix along with ARC Trooper Fives, Dogma, Tup, and Sergeant Appo. He had Jesse stacking ordinance, Fives and Hardcase were working in the hangar, while he had Rex at his side for the majority of the time. , Not long after the beginning of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, Hardcase and the other members of the 501st traveled to the planet Benglor to investigate suspected Separatist activity.

Star Wars Clone Wars 501st Clone Trooper Hardcase + Mixer Lot - Used. Star Wars - HARDCASE - 2009 The Clone Wars TCW - Clone Trooper. eBay item number… The ship was resupplying nearby forces that was putting pressure on the 501st and their position.